Based on more than 35 years' experience, KEL Sigma and KEL SigmaPlus provide a trusted and widely used calculation engine for valuing and analysing UK commercial real estate properties and portfolios.
Decades of research & development have produced software that can value the most complex property investments. At the same time chartered valuation surveyors on our team have ensured that KEL software continues to be intuitive and easy to learn. Valuation inputs around tenancies, capital expenditure assumptions, and capitalisation rates follow a robust and intuitive workflow.
Functionality includes all traditional valuation methodologies for capitalisation of income (hardcore, term and reversion, initial and equivalent yield) together with discounted cash flow (DCF) method enabling NPV and IRR calculations. The comprehensive range of reports includes comparing valuations (difference reporting), producing alternative (WhatIf) scenarios based on asset management initiatives or stress testing market assumptions.
The logical workflow guides users through creating the property, adding the tenancy data and then layering on the users market assumptions to arrive at the valuation.
Methodologies continue to be added, for example, the new turnover rent feature allowing users to apply differing capitalisation rates to the ‘base’ and ‘turnover’ elements.
At KEL we are aware of the risks around valuation and seek to minimise these through good design. Our intuitive Sigma software and robust workflow allows users to be most productive and efficient with their use of time.
Comprehensive reporting at portfolio, property and unit/tenant level allows the recipient to follow a valuation calculation with clear sight of the inputs made. Output of all valuation assumptions at property and unit level allows analysts to incorporate into in-house models.
Ian Wimpenny - Aitchison Raffety
"Time after time KEL has proven itself to be highly dependable in helping us deliver robust, efficient and transparent valuations, that our clients can always rely on. It's well organised user interface and clear reporting output really drive high-quality valuation advice, whilst supporting our high work volumes, and that's why Aitchison Raffety wouldn't hesitate in recommending KEL."